Category: Board

MUNAM e.V. Board 2024/25

PresidentMaria Lucia Steinvorth Vice President for FinancesJakob Lorenz Vice President for the Delegation ProjectRebeca Maidana Vice President for External Affairs  Federico Russo Gagliardo Vice President for Outreach and Marketing Pretty Panadda Imsiri Vice President for Internal Affairs Elias Falk Morgenstern

MUNAM e.V. Board 2023/24

President Anna-Sophie Weinstein Anna-Sophie works as Head of Operations for a federally funded, interdisciplinary research project on peace consolidation in Lebanon and Afghanistan at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. Alongside her employment she is finishing parallel studies in Law (StEx) and Middle Eastern Studies (B.A.) at Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, which were enriched by stints…
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