Conferences On Our Circuit

Conferences On Our Circuit

Model United Nations Association Munich (MUNAM) is proud to announce that the conferences we will be visiting this year are: IsarMUN, MedMUN, EuroMUN and VIMUN

IsarMUN – Isar Model United Nations (November 2017):

After IsarMUN’s evolvement to an international conference in 2016, this year´s secretariat has the ambitious goal to affirm your high expectations. We want to further enhance IsarMUN’s academic quality and global spirit while hosting an even greater number of participants from all around the globe in the renowned building of the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. Having such high aspirations for the conference, we are more than passionate and devoted to organise another meeting for us all to gather great memories and and seize the most unique moments.

We take great pride in announcing our Conference Motto “An open World?” and are looking forward to entertaining a Special Committee in German, which will, for the first time, make IsarMUN 2017 bilingual. In light of the new motto, and a second language in our portfolio, we are offering you the opportunity to discuss issues of global importance and widen your horizon along the way. What we promise is to work ceaselessly to make not only the committee sessions a complete success, but also give everyone the chance to blow off the steam of a long day at our awesome social events.

What better opportunity is there to meet over 200 people in bilingual conference in Munich? Let´s create a culturally diversified, multilingual learning experience in one of Europe´s most brightly shining cities – Munich! What better environment is there to debate the future of the world, than a conference taking place in the building, which was once home to the “White Rose” Movement?



MedMUN – Medditerranean Model United Nations (March 2018):

MEDMUN is a challenging United Nations simulation hosted by the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean campus of Science Po Paris. It tackles the complex political, economic and social issues facing the countries of the Mediterranean, Middle East, and North Africa today. Held in one of Europe’s leading political science and international relations universities as well as one of France’s “Grandes Écoles”, MEDMUN strives to consistently provide students of diverse academic and social backgrounds with an opportunity to better understand the world of diplomacy and international affairs, as well as the dynamics of the United Nations. Featuring world-class keynote speakers who are experts in the MENA region and diplomacy, MEDMUN offers its participants multifaceted perspectives on pressing global issues.



EuroMUN – Maastricht (April 2018):

EuroMUN is a simulation of international organizations, in which you get the opportunity to be a diplomat and represent a country or party in debates over many different topics. This year’s conference include committees such as the UN Security Council, NATO, the European Parliament and many more. EuroMUN does not only offer a great 5-day conference, but also great opportunities to visit Amsterdam and Brussels prior to the conference. Not a single MUN is complete without a great social program, which will feature events during every night of the conference.

This year’s conference will take place under higher patronage by the European Parliament, granted by Martin Schulz. In addition, we are delighted to have presence of the UNRIC and UNU-MERIT.



VIMUN – Vienna International Model United Nations (August 2018):

There are many MUNs held all over the world. In Austria the United Nations Youth and Student Association of Austria – Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs (UNYSA-AUSTRIA-AFA) is in charge of the MUN activities. The first small UN simulations took place in the 1960ies. In 1995 the UNYSA-AUSTRIA-AFA organized the first international MUN in Vienna as part of the official programme of the Austrian Federal Government for the 50 year anniversary celebrations of the United Nations. VIMUN since that time is the annual highlight of the UN youth acitivities in Austria. Every August up to 250 students and young graduates from about 40 different nations participate. As the conference entirely takes place at the United Nations Office at Viennna, VIMUN is perhaps the most authetical MUN world-wide.

The conference has a long and vibrant history. During the last years, VIMUN has expanded and prospered by having hosted about 5000 students. Experiences gained at VIMUN range from the enhancing of ones diplomatic skills to getting more insights into imminent global issues. As a consequence participants of Model United Nations very often follow careers as high-ranked diplomats, leaders in business, law and government later on in their lives.