Delegation 2023/24

A diverse group of students from various backgrounds and age ranges, came together as one delegation for the Delegation Project 2023/2024. Though they study in different disciplines—from political science to language and beyond—their shared passion for diplomacy united them. The delegation took part in IsarMUN 2024 and LakeMUN 2024, strengthening their skills and connections further.

Even after the Delegation Project came to an end, many remain actively involved in MUNAM. Some have joined the 2024/2025 board, while others are already helping to organise IsarMUN 2025. The journey evolves, but the connections and experiences remain strong.

Aakruti Nayak

Aakruti Nayak’s journey stands out for her distinctive blend of scientific expertise and a deep-rooted interest in global challenges. Currently completing her Ph.D. in Medical Research, she is driven by a desire to make healthcare more accessible and affordable, especially in underserved communities. This passion stems from her early awareness of socio-economic disparities in healthcare, which she is determined to address through both research and advocacy.

Her extensive volunteer work has further reinforced her belief in community-driven solutions and the importance of scientific literacy in building equitable health systems. These experiences have shaped her interdisciplinary approach, combining scientific insight with a keen interest in addressing global policy issues. Eager to broaden her worldview, Aakruti actively seeks opportunities to engage with diverse perspectives and cultures.

As a 2024 delegate for MUNAM e.V., Aakruti is excited to engage with peers from diverse backgrounds, refine her understanding of international relations, and contribute to meaningful discussions on global issues and making good friends. Her journey reflects the belief that solving global problems requires inclusive, informed voices, and she’s eager to make a meaningful contribution to these critical conversations.

Ani Kirtadze

My name is Ani Kirtadze. I was born and raised in Georgia, where I also finished my school. Growing up my family was always very invested in politics. Our TV was always turned on and we’d always listen to the news program. My father was working in a TV channel at that time, so I always knew latest news. This is how politics captured my interest. As I got 10 years old, I decided that I would like to choose politics as my career path and haven’t changed my mind since then. I finished school in 2022 and moved to Germany straight after my graduation for my studies. From 2022 to 2023 I went to preparatory college for higher education, where I gained a lot of international friends, exchanged cultures with them and learned more about international politics. I am currently studying at TUM to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science.

In my free time I enjoy embroidery, crocheting, reading and listening to music. I look forward to my MUNAM experience.

Anna Schäfer

Anna was born and raised in a small town near Aschaffenburg. During school, she already particularly enjoyed learning different languages and exploring the cultures of the countries where they are spoken. For this reason, she participated in two exchange programs in Finland and France, where she appreciated the chance to live with a host family and gain a deeper understanding of the local mentality.

Her interest in international politics has been sparked in her final years of school. After graduating in 2022, she decided to volunteer in the framework of the European solidarity corps, which gave her the opportunity to work in a human rights NGO in a small village in Georgia for one year. There, she facilitated workshops and informal discussion rounds on topics concerning the EU, racism, stereotypes and sustainability, which allowed her to hear the different attitudes people have towards these issues depending on their background and history. Through this, she realized that there is not always one “right” way to approach issues and that it is very valuable to listen to and try to implement different approaches.

Anna is now studying law at LMU, with a particular interest in international law. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, doing sports like dancing and boxing, crocheting and cooking with friends.
By joining the delegation project, she is looking forward to further discussing political and internationally relevant topics with her peers, learning about different perspectives, as well as reflecting on her own standings regarding global politics.

Federico Russo Gagliardo

Federico was born and raised in Sicily. Being at the centre of the Mediterranean this island is a melting pot of cultures, traditions and people, unfortunately it is also a place where inequalities and economic struggles are evident but often ignored. All of this pushed Federico towards international and multicultural contexts, and even more motivated him to seek for solutions, help and knowledge to understand and solve the problems that affects his land and many around the globe. Despite of the Covid pandemic, he moved during high school to Germany for an exchange year. After graduating in Italy, he came back, this time to Munich, to study Philosophy and Economics at LMU, here he came in contact with MUNAM and decided to join their Delegation Project. Even though his studies are not directly connected with the world of Diplomacy and International Relations, Federico believes that a different approach might be the key to prosper and succeed in this field. He is eager to learn about the UN and the world of MUN, to know like-minded people, to share views, thoughts and experiences with others, and to also have some fun.

Jakob Lorenz

Jakob was born in 2005 and grew up in a small town on the Bavarian countryside. During 10th grade, he spent half a year abroad in Banff, a small town in the middle of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. There, he got to know a new culture, had inspiring courses at High School, such as construction (woodworking) or outdoor education and leadership (survival training for the wilderness) and he was able to pursue his passion for (winter) sports. Coming back from his semester abroad, Jakob served as head student and was furthermore head of the working group “school without racism – school with courage”.

During his time in school what also developed, was his interest in the economy, politics and international relations. He started reading history books (which he still considers being one of the most fruitful things when learning about a country or culture) and later shifted to books primarily regarding politics. There, his special interest lies in international relations and geopolitics. Therefore, he decided to study political science and economics at LMU in 2023, right after his A-levels. That’s when he also first heard of MUN, an idea he was immediately thrilled about. So, Jakob joined MUNAM in order to dive into the world of diplomacy, learn about interstate relations and get to know other people with similar interests. Apart from politics, Jakob is interested in reading, going to the theatre, doing (exotic) sports (like juggling or unicycling) or just going out with friends. So, he is very excited about his time with MUNAM and looking forward to all the experiences connected to it.

Kaspar Schild

Kaspar was born and raised in Munich and enjoyed a language-focused education in school, where he learned English, French, Spanish and Italian. He came into contact with political topics early on through numerous debates at his grand family’s kitchen table, which sparked his wish to contribute to a more just and interconnected world. In 2020, Kaspar began his law studies at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. A one-year study stay in Padua, Italy, allowed him to connect with people of diverse cultural backgrounds from all around the world, bringing immense joy and awakening his desire to live and work globally. This experience led him to focus his studies on international law and European Union law. In particular, he is intrigued by the efforts of the United Nations in global affairs, conflict resolution and the promotion of human rights. As a member of this year’s Delegation Project, he is honoured to become part of the world of MUN(AM) and looks forward to further developing his diplomatic skills and deepening his understanding of international relations.

Kilian Franz

My name is Kilian Franz. I am 21 years old and in my master’s in Politics and Technology at TUM. I come from a small village in Bavaria and after high school, I moved to Munich, enjoying the perks of a bigger city while always keeping in close touch with my roots.

As I try to immerse myself in various activities throughout my life, I applied to the MUNAM delegation project. In the context of international politics – but not limited to this realm – effective communication, diplomatic collaboration, and strong analytical skills are key. This is why I consider the warm atmosphere at MUNAM such an asset that allows us to expand our rhetorical toolkit and public speaking skills in a fun environment.

Internationality is another aspect of MUNAM I really appreciate. You can learn a lot about yourself and the world from interacting with interesting people from the most diverse backgrounds. I consider this key to an open mindset and embracing the world we live in.
In my free time, I like to read, hit the gym, or enjoy quality time with my friends over a cup of coffee.

Magdalena Sedlmayr

Magdalena grew up in Austria and later moved to Munich, where she finished school in 2020. With a keen interest in political issues and the arts, she decided to move abroad to meet new people and experience different cultures. In Dublin, she studied Songwriting in an international and creative environment. During her time there, she also became involved in climate action campaigning with Fridays for Future Dublin. In addition to organising climate campaigns, Magdalena established a Student Climate Coalition among Irish student unions and assisted a religious sister in founding an environmental group in her local community. Her political organising efforts led to her selection as a delegate for the First National Youth Assembly on Climate and the Climate Stakeholder Forum, both of which provided her with valuable insights. Magdalena has been invited to speak about her activism at various events, including the Climate Conference of former Irish President and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson, the Irish Climate Summit, and at her university. After one year of studying economics at LMU she moved to Bonn to pursue a joint degree of law and economics. With it, she aims to pursue a career in climate foreign policy or environmentalism.

Moeen Abu Al Zakhab

Hi my name is Moeen, I was a proud member of MUNAM, and was blessed with the opportunity to discuss numerous political topics, learn more about the UN, further broaden my overall skills and continue to understand how we should strengthen our understanding of the political world as the upcoming generation. I urge whoever is interested to consider MUNAM as a way to open up new doors, meet new people and have a good time with like-minded people!

Maximilian Schlenker

I am currently studying for a Master of Science in International Relations and Diplomacy at Leiden University The Hague, in partnership with the Clingendael Institute. My academic interests focus on EU policy, international law, and global security, with a particular emphasis on how diplomacy can shape international frameworks.

Throughout my experience in both private and public sectors, I have worked on projects involving regulatory analysis, policy development, and stakeholder communication, allowing me to apply the knowledge I’ve gained in real-world settings. I’ve also had the opportunity to contribute to business development, where I helped streamline operations and introduce automated solutions.

My internships with international organizations have further enhanced my skills in political communication, public relations, and digitalization. These experiences have given me valuable insights into how global organizations operate, and I look forward to continuing to contribute to meaningful projects in international relations and diplomacy.

Michael Hildemann

Michael Felix Amandus Hildemann grew up in the small but lovely town of Buxtehude and enjoyed the small-town atmosphere. Now he is studying political science and economics (minor) at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and enjoys this beautiful city.
Even at school he was very interested in politics and international relations. This led him to his choice of this subject and his decision to join MUNAM. Discussing serious issues in world affairs with the community at Munam brought him joy and let him learn a lot.

Outside of his studies, he loves to travel and get to know countries not just like a tourist, but also like the people who live there. He took a gap year after graduating from high school to do this. This took him to countries like Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and the USA. If you spend more than just the three weeks of annual vacation in a country, you have a lot more time to immerse yourself in these cultures.

In his free time, especially in summer, you can find him at lakes or the sea, these are the perfect places to escape from everyday life.

Panadda Imsiri (Pretty)

Being born and raised in Thailand where nicknames are part of the culture, Panadda is also known as Pretty. She moved to Munich in late-2021 to pursue her Master’s degree in English Studies at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Though her field of study was primarily language-related, Pretty has always been drawn to international politics and diplomacy. Her internship at the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Frankfurt am Main inspired her to advance her career as a Project Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand. There, she served full-time in the Department of American and South Pacific Affairs, conducting research on topics of interest to Thailand-North America relations.

Pretty was introduced to the world of MUN whilst reading Business English Communication for her Bachelor’s in Bangkok. She was part of the MUN society and assisted in organising the Thammasat University MUN 2020 as a Delegate Relations Officer. Her memorable MUN conferences include the Harvard WorldMUN 2019 in Madrid, her first international conference, and the IsarMUN 2024 in Munich, where she was awarded Outstanding Delegate. Despite having finished her study and now working in aviation, Pretty never wanted to let her passion for international relations go, so she decided to join MUNAM’s delegation project in order to expand her knowledge of diplomacy and connect with like-minded individuals.

Pietro Lepore

Our names often seem to be chosen arbitrarily and randomly. However, in my case, it fits me quite well: My name is Pietro Lepore. My first name derives from the Latin and Greek word “petra”, which means stone. My last name most likely derives from the Latin word “lĕpus, -ŏris”, meaning hare. (Though it would certainly fit better deriving from “lĕpor, -ōris”, which means pleasantness/charm). Astonishingly, my name describes who I am quite well. I see myself as being on the edge between quick movement (lepus/hare) and steadfast stability (petra/stone).

I was born in Turin, Italy, to two Italian parents but I was raised in different parts of Germany. After finishing school last year, I moved to Munich to study Latin and Philosophy at LMU. I have always lived merging the Italian and the German cultures in my life, one of which could be described as rather choppy and the other as rather steadfast. Always well-rooted in my origins and mother culture, I have been eager to learn and see new things, especially to get to know other people who could show me their ways of living and cultures (from the Latin word “cultura”: “the thing you care for”, in both the senses of attributing importance/worshiping and working upon/taking care of). After my first MUN in high school, I saw a possibility to fulfill this interest exactly through these MUNs. Consequently, I decided to join the Delegation Project to further cultivate (cultura!) my knowledge and skills.

Rebeca Maidana

I was born in Paraguay to an internationalized family and gained insight on intercultural exchange from a fairly young age through my attendance to the Goethe School in Asunción, where I learnt to speak German and English fluently alongside Spanish. My family and I moved to Berlin for a few years on a diplomatic assignment for the Paraguayan Embassy in 2016, and I was first introduced to the world of international politics and diplomatic relations, which I would like to pursue, as well as general political work. I finished high school in Paraguay in 2022 with an International Baccalaureate and as valedictorian with the Paraguayan national diploma and started studying Political Science and History at LMU in the fall of 2023, where I learned about MUNAM and the MUN world. I worked for Senator Patrick Kemper on an internship for a month in March 2024 and gained valuable insight, friends and experience into my country’s political landscape, focusing on several law-making and legal projects. On the side, I work as a student assistant at a non-profit that provides a way for German donors to send fiscally recognized donations abroad and do volunteer work for a foundation giving scholarships to do Duales Studium and Germany. I also have a startup. I love working out, reading, fashion and going out with friends in my free time.

Was born in Lebanon, specifically in a small village in the South, Kfar Chouba. Raised in a village at the Lebanese-Palestinian borders, where the United Nations Peace keeping missions were deployed since the early 1970’s under the mission UNIFIL: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, Ahmad encountered the concepts of political conflicts and disputes through his own eyes, not in books and theories. His father, Mohammad, has worked with the Norwegian Battalion of the UNIFIL in the South for around 20 years, where his admiration and commitment to his work with the UNIFIL was ”genetically” transferred to his son Ahmad, who was raised on respecting the values of the United Nations and highly regarding the peace keeping missions of the UN not only in South Lebanon, but all over the world.

All of this triggered his curiosity for international politics and peacekeeping, where he developed a personality of an avid reader in politics, geography, and history. This led him to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Political and Administrative Sciences from the Lebanese University in Lebanon. Being so passionate about international politics didn’t prevent him from pursuing at the same time another Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, from the Lebanese University as well and a Master’s degree in Nanophysics from the University of Münster.

Residing in Münster and working on his research in nanotechnology at the Münster Nanofabrication Facility (MNF) and the Institute of Physics (University of Münster) didn’t hinder the 24 years old physicist to get admitted at the MUNAM and participate in the delegation project, where he is able to get know people, who think the same way as his and admire the norms of the United Nations and international diplomacy as a whole, in addition to improving his diplomatic and negation skills throughout the participation in the MUNAM sessions, where his admission to the project is indeed an asset to his “diplomat half” and a prestige to his “physicist half”.

Ahmad El Kadri

Mar Verkerk

Mar, raised in Cologne, has always been drawn to diverse cultures and exploring the globe. With a passion for travel and a curiosity for different narratives, she spent three months traeveling and sailing after graduating high school. This experience allowed her to expand her horizons, immersing herself in various cultures and landscapes, and sparking a profound fascination with foreign lands and diverse political systems.

Inspired by her travels, Mar is pursuing a degree in Business Administration at LMU and driven by a desire to enact positive change, joined a Non-Profit consultancy early on, committed to supporting social enterprises in aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the UN. As a member of the delegation project, Mar seeks to connect with like-minded students, engaging in meaningful intercultural exchanges and discussions on social impact. She eagerly anticipates a year brimming with enriching experiences, aiming to refine her rhetorical skills, deepen her understanding of diplomacy, and cultivate a nuanced perspective on global conflicts.

I’m Marten, a soon-to-be Psychology student at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Previously, I studied two semesters of Law at the LMU, but found it wasn’t the right fit for me.
Originally, I’m from beautiful Hamburg, where I got my Abitur in 2022.
Two years on, I miss my friends from chess club, the William-Stern-Gesellschaft, and the Katholische Akademie Hamburg.

Nowadays, the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung provides me with great educational opportunities and interesting debate; being a supervisor for Juniors Camps by Mensa in Deutschland allows me to contribute in providing a space for neurodivergent kids to socialize; the Triple Nine Society provides neurodivergent me with awesome conversation (and great memes); and I am thankful to the Konfuzius Intitut Hamburg for recently providing me with the wonderful opportunity to visit Shanghai and Beijing.
My hobbies include table tennis, singing, dancing, chess, xiangqi, board games, and languages.

I am very thankful for the experiences I have made through MUNAM and the Delegation Project—for what I have learned about international relations and diplomacy, and for the friends and acquaintances made along the way.

Marten Ziegler

Milena Hofmeister

Hi, my name is Milena Hofmeister. I am 22 years old and from Munich, Germany. I am very interested in different cultures; I love learning languages and meeting people from all over the world. I study Literary Theory and Comparative Literature as well as Scandinavian Studies at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. This might not be the most typical field in the MUN community. However, applying for MUNAM’s Delegation Project made perfect sense to me. One day, I would like to work in the cultural field – hopefully, in an international or at least intercultural team. By doing MUN, I hope to strengthen my debating skills, my critical thinking, and the ability to understand other perspectives, opinions, and arguments. I want to learn more about what international cooperation and diplomacy can look like. Also, I firmly believe that the UN are an important pillar in our globalized society. I want to understand how they work in order to understand world affairs. One day, I hope to be in a place where I can use my knowledge and skills to make a difference in our world and be part of a prolific future.