
The MUNAM e.V. web pages* are published by

Model United Nations Association Munich e.V.

mailing address:
Postbox 340128
D-80098 München

Registered at the Amtsgericht München (VR 201335)

Responsible for the content (according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV / § 6 MDStV): Sebastian Eppelt

* and

Photos: MUNAM e.V.

Legal notice


Everything posted on the websites of MUNAM e.V. , including specifically texts, images and all multimedia elements, are protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
If you want to incorporate texts from the website into your own website, please do so by providing a link to our website and not by reproducing the actual texts. This not only ensures that the copyright is preserved but also that you do not reproduce outdated and thus possibly false information. Our website is continually updated in the light of the latest developments. Only by providing a link can you be sure that the information you are supplying is up-to-date.
While we do our best to ensure our content is correct, up-to-date, complete and intelligible, we would like to draw your attention to the following:

Content from other providers

While all links posted on our website to the websites of other providers (“content from other providers”) have been scrupulously checked and are to the best of our knowledge complete and correct, we cannot guarantee that this is the case. MUNAM e.V. and its subsection IsarMUN have no influence over the current or future content of other providers’ websites or the content of websites to which we post a link. We therefore take no responsibility for the content of other providers’ websites to which we post a link.
This also applies to the content of other websites which are integrated technically into the MUNAM e.V. websites and are identified as such.

Own content

We accept no liability for the completeness and correctness of anything posted on our websites. Any recommendations or information about legal issues posted on our website is intended as guidance only and is not a substitute for professional legal advice.


We would be grateful if you could let us know if the content of websites to which we have posted a link is in any respect objectionable. Please let us also know of anything that is erroneous, out-of-date, incomplete, unintelligible etc. on our own website.

Ladungsfähige Adresse:

Model United Nations Association Munich e.V.
c/o Leonie Walle
Situlistraße 37a
D-80939 Munich