Since its inception in 1945, the Munich Youth Council (Kreisjugendring München-Stadt, KJR) is a consortium of almost 70 youth associations and federations in Munich. Within the Council, children, youths and adults aged between 6 and 27 years from different nationalities, confessions social groups are bound together. The KJR sees itself as an effective voice and representative of these associations, assisting them in their work and and promoting networking. MUNAM e.V. is a member of the KJR since 2012.

easyVerein was developed as a secure and simple solution specifically for clubs and associations. With this software you can digitalize and simplify your workflows and save valuable time that you can spend on all the other activities in your club. According to easyVerein the flexible club management offers suitable functions for everyone. MUNAM e.V. is using the software from easyVerein since November 2022.
We have a close cooperation with the Model United Nations TU Munich e.V. and host several programs jointly.