Author: MUNAM e.V.

NMUN begins – MUNAM goes New York

We wish our delegation the best of luck at the National Model United Nations in New York!! We hope you have a memorable experience, with fruitful debates during the NMUN 2014 –  themed “Equality for a better world”.

MainMUN 2014 – Report

This February the MUNAM delegation attended the Main Model United Nations Conference in Frankfurt. Anna reports about the delegations expierences at MainMUN, held under the motto “Constructing Peace for a Better Tomorrow” : MainMUN 2014

Country Assignment for the National Model United Nations 2014

We happily and proudly announce that our delegation is going to represent the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in this year’s National Model United Nations conference. The DRC is located in Central Africa and with a total area of 2,345,409 km2  the second largest country on the African continent. The capital is Kinshasa. As about…
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MUNAM goes NMUN 2014 in New York

Due to different circumstances this years MUNAM delegation participates at National Model United Nations instead of WorldMUN. NMUN takes place in New York from March 30th until April 3rd. We wish our delegation an exciting and fruitful experience.

IsarMUN 2013 – Report

The MUNAM delegation took part at their first official Model United Conference, the IsarMUN 2013 in Tutzing. Matthieu, a delegate representing Canada gives us an insight into his experience at the Disarmament Committee: IsarMUN 2013

Team Building Weekend 2013

The MUNAM delegation spent a weekend in Fischbachau, at the foothills of the Alps, as part of the preparation for next year’s NMUN. During this teambuilding weekend they experienced their first MUN simulation and got to know each other and the members of the executive team. Anna, a delegate of the MUNAM Delegation 2014 reports…
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Get to know our new delegation for 2014

This year MUNAM will take part at NMUN 2014 with a new delegation of outstanding students with many different backgrounds and interests. Their fields of study vary from political science, medicine, communication science, physics to economics and philosophy. During six months they will prepare for NMUN in a weekly seminar and various workshops with the…
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1st Annual Alumni Weekend

We report back from our first alumni-weekend 22 former delegates who attended World Model UNs in Melbourne (2013), Vancouver (2012), Singapore (2011) and New York (2010) got together in Inzell for our very first alumni-weekend, which from now on is going to take place on a yearly basis. In several working groups, such as fundraising,…
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Bericht der Delegation 2013 zur Harvard WorldMUN

17. März 2013, 15 Uhr, Treffpunkt Nicholson Street 168, Melbourne. Treffen sich 15 Bayern in Melbourne. Was so klingt wie der Beginn eines mäßig komischen Witzes, ist der Beginn der diesjährigen Harvard World Model United Nations, die von Deutschland aus gesehen, am anderen Ende der Welt stattfindet. In Australien, Melbourne. Allein die Reise dorthin kommt…
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Ma’a salama, Zàijiàn & Hoo Roo!

A farewell note from Melbourne WorldMUN 2013 has come to an end. And as our nervous expectations and untainted curiosity have turned into invaluable tales of experience, we would like to take a short look back at our journey. Most of all, we want to share it with you – prospective students and friends of MUNAM –…
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Harvard WorldMUN begins – Bavaria goes Melbourne

LMU delegates kick off WorldMUN in typical bavarian “Lederhosen” and “Dirndl” at Global Village. MUN Association Munich wishes the delegation 2013 at Harvard WorldMUN in Melbourne the best of luck, fruitful discussions and thrilling social events.

IsarMUN 2012 – Report

A report on the panel discussion “The idea of an increasingly Multipolar World and the Role of Emerging Powers” is now online. 

Talk with the Egyptian Consul in Frankfurt, Amr Moawad

On behalf of the MUNAM-delegation and the executive team, we would like to thank the Egyptian Consul in Frankfurt, Amr Moawad, for taking the time to discuss Egypt’s Foreign Relations as well as current Internal Affairs with the delegates representing the Arab Republic of Egypt at the WorldMUN in March.

Country Assignments

We are thrilled to announce the country assignments for the WorldMUN 2013 in Melbourne: the LMU delegation is going to represent China and Egypt! Certainly a very interesting, exciting, and challenging task for our 15 delegates. Moreover, it is surely an acknowledgement of the performance of the previous LMU delegations and we feel honored by…
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Team building weekend

Our delegation and the executive team had a memorable team building weekend in Fischbachau in the middle of Bavaria. The delegates participated in their first joint simulation on “Post-Revolutionary State-Building in the Arab World” and practiced their skills in debating and negotiating a constructive resolution. You can find the field report on the team building…
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